Saturday, February 2, 2008

BTT: The Nominees Are...

(From 20 December 2007): 1. What fiction book (or books) would you nominate to be the best new book published in 2007? (Older books that you read for the first time in 2007 don’t count.)
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It was probably the only fiction novel I read in 2007 that was actually published in 2007! It probably would have won regardless as it was a wonderful finish to the series.

2. What non-fiction book (or books) would you nominate to be the best new book published in 2007? (Older books that you read for the first time in 2007 don’t count.)
I don't think I read any! All the non-fiction books I read were published prior to 2007.

3. And, do “best of” lists influence your reading?
Yes, they do influence my reading choices occasionally. I love looking at 'best of' lists and counting up how many of the books I've read although I'd never aim to read all the books off a list. Sometimes the lists will inspire me to pick up a book that I had heard of but didn't necessarily have an interest in reading. Other times they'll help bump a book up my list so I'll read it sooner. And of course there are the books I've never heard of but after seeing them on a list I'll look them up to see what they're about and often add them to my wish list as a result.

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